Managing Kids, Work and Life

So, it’s almost the end of week 2 of quarantine and we still haven’t set up a schedule. I think kids need some sort of schedule, but it just hasn’t been possible. I haven’t been feeling my best… I blame hormonal changes in your 40s. I have been planning things in my head for days now, but have not implemented a single thing. My mind has been consumed by this pandemic and how it’s affecting our everyday lives and it looks like as of today, the US is leading in the number of cases of Coronavirus.

I hope people take this pandemic seriously and stay at home. I know it’s hard. Mykids are going crazy not being able to go to school, play sports, go to birthday parties, etc. I’m going nutty. I can’t figure out when I should actually work and when I should be a mother… I feel like I’m working overtime on both ends. I miss my alone time the most, but it’s this little sacrifice that will help end this pandemic.

On a lighter note, all the kids were on countless hours on electronics. They are loving Clash Royale, YouTube, Go Noodle, Freckle, Netflix, Disney +, Kahn Academy and Zoom.

As for me, I’ve been doing a lot of window shopping online. Looks like there are a lot of great deals right now at Old Navy. Everything is 50% off. Lately, their jeans have been my go to jeans. Comfy and stylish for someone my age. These are my fave.

Another one of my go to pants.

My favorite yoga pants.

Also, Target and Ulta are having their beauty sales. I have enough make up, but there are some great deals on these sites. I may have to take a second look to see if I want anything.

I miss going out and shopping. Although I really do have enough, I miss seeing all the new products in the marketplace.

Published by Pam

wifey. mommy of 4. i ❤️ life. 😍

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