
I can’t believe it’s almost Halloween.  I’m going to seriously start practicing yoga come November.  I’ve been having problems with my left foot/heel.  It has been bothering me for months.  I saw this infographic on the Huffington Post.  Maybe, I will heart yoga.  

A New Month – Goals Update

It’s been awhile since I’ve done an update on my goals/resolutions. I went to the gym 2x last month.  I’m slowly, very slowly, building up to a routine.  It looks like the only time I’ll be able to go is during the weekends and some week nights.  I went last night.  The treadmill is soContinue reading “A New Month – Goals Update”

Chiropractic Treatments and a Physical

At a friend’s suggestion, I started seeing a chiropractor in November. I’ve always been afraid of having my back cracked. I am was skeptical about the whole chiropractic, spine alignment thing. But after going through labor 3 times, I am willing to try anything. Back labor can sure throw your body outta whack. I haveContinue reading “Chiropractic Treatments and a Physical”

Exercise Update

I did 20 squats yesterday. Since this was the first day I started the holiday squat challenge, I couldn’t go past 20. I am so outta shape. I’m going to keep on going though. Thanks, MJ for introducing me to this program. I heart my pink tree. The boys decorated it with love and excitement.Continue reading “Exercise Update”