Happy March and Living Simply

Seriously, how can it be March already?!?!  This year is flying by!  I’ve spent most of the year being sick or taking care of my sick.  It’s been a rough couple of months.  Oh and on this rainy March day, I started this month by taking Mr. C to urgent care since he had aContinue reading “Happy March and Living Simply”

Bad Blogger

I’m finally just getting over my cold, but it seems here in LA, it’s already spring because my allergies are totally acting up. Sneeze here, sneeze there, sneeze everywhere. Also, there’s been a lot of busyness at home and at work. It’s been hard trying to find a moment to myself, let alone blog. But,Continue reading “Bad Blogger”

Giving Thanks

I don’t know if I’ll have a moment to spare tomorrow, since it’s Turkey Day.  I just want to say “Thanks!” to all of you readers out there. I can’t believe I started this blog almost a year ago.  It’s amazing how fast the year goes.  I feel like I haven’t accomplished much, but deepContinue reading “Giving Thanks”

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

It appears that we’re hosting a small Thanksgiving dinner party.  Last year, I made a rib-eye roast for Thanksgiving.  We’re not big turkey eaters, so we opted for a roast.  It was super simple.  I made some veggies and mashed potatoes. While at the market today, I found my roast and decided to see howContinue reading “Getting Ready for Thanksgiving”

Life Sneaking Up On Me

Lately, I have had a lot on my plate. Next year, I’m making a resolution to say “no” to activities or events that take up my time unnecessarily. I’ve done a little bit of that this year and I realized how much I feel better about not doing the activity or event. I found thatContinue reading “Life Sneaking Up On Me”

A New Month and My Goals – Part 1

So, August and September were pretty much a bust with the whole blogging thing. I did manage to post Music Mondays. Go figure.  I hope you’ll forgive me. Since school started mid-August (which was a bit too early for me), I’ve been juggling all 3 kids each morning. So, every morning, these are the thoughtsContinue reading “A New Month and My Goals – Part 1”

Feminism is Not Dead.

At the gym, I usually bring my iPad to watch tv shows on Netflix.  Today was the first time I didn’t bring it and had to settle for my iPhone.  Wanting something different, I decided to check out the TED app.  I needed a little motivation to get through my workout and the day inContinue reading “Feminism is Not Dead.”

Currently Watching…

And yes, I’m a little late to the party that is United States of Tara.Toni Collette is outstanding.  She completely transforms herself in each personality.  AMAZING!  A true, a real actress.  Oh, and the writing, AMAZING!  We seriously need more women writers in the entertainment industry, well, more women, in general, more specifically, more minorityContinue reading “Currently Watching…”

My Little Sickie

I’ve been missing the last couple of days because the little lady’s been really sick. What I thought was teething turned out to be a lung infection. The poor little lady is currently on antibiotics and albuterol. After her first couple of doses of antibiotics, she looks almost 100% better. I just wish her coughContinue reading “My Little Sickie”